OBAMA: The ODM Candidate for PRESIDENT – Part 2

Part 2

By Jacquerie
In 2006, the new US Senator, Barack Obama, traveled to Kenya, the homeland of his father’s ancestors. Although biographical data on this Presidential candidate is sparse and sometimes self-contradictory, there are some facts reasonably well established. Despite his campaign website statement that his father was a mere
goat-herder, his father’s family, members of the Luo tribe were influential landholders who employed goat herders. Regardless of his staff claims that Obama is not related to Raila Odinga , internationally infamous for decimating his Kenyan opposition, Odinga insists Obama’s father is his maternal uncle. And contradictory to his insistence that he, himself, is a “Christian,” the candidate wrote in his “Dreams…” biography, in speaking of Muslims “should the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand with them.”
It may come, then, of less surprise, to learn that the positive US media spin on Obama’s trip stands in sharp contrast to the reaction of the US allied Kenyan government to his activities there. Quoting from Kenya’s Official website , Kenya’s ambassador condemned Obama’s use to his official US Senate visa for purposes of public campaigning for Odinga, as “injurious to Kenya/US Bilateral relations.” Expressing “disappointment” with his “unprovoked and uncalled for” statements, in which Obama publicly and passionately accused our US ally of political corruption and incited whoever was willing to listen with emotionally charged calls for Kenya’s government to “Change!” This official protest drew attention to Obama openly contradicting himself by “appreciating Kenya as a beacon of peace and stability” while, simultaneously, accusing Kenyans of tribalism and sectarian divisions.” It also “took great exception” to being lectured (by  a foreigner and US officeholder) on the “merits and demerits of (Kenyan) corruption or what to do about it” as well as “choosing “to trash and sneer us in the face.” In fact, CBC news, in one of the few US media clips of his Kenya visit refers to Obama’s travel there as frequently including Odinga “at his elbow.” In this same report, a Kenyan government spokesman referred to Obama as a “stooge for Odinga.” Isn’t it a bit odd that a US Senator, who used his official visa to overtly campaign against a US allied government, was not rebuked for this behavior by either the US press or the Senate. Not long after Odinga began his official ODM campaign for Kenya’s presidency, terror  tactics began against his opposition as did his tirade of corruption charges (corresponding to Senator Obama ‘public outcry’ during his Kenya trip.
A review of the ODM’s underlying, manipulative strategy reveals many correlatives to the conduct of the US Obama Presidential campaign. To begin, The ODM Action Plan charts a several part strategy to win, including: “reinforced promises of jobs and economic gains.” In fact, since the recently “negotiated” government has formed, to end the ODM slaughter of Kenyans, the new “Prime Minister” position, created just for Odinga as well as the expansion of the cabinet to satisfy ODM demands for influence, are costing Kenyans about $1.5 million a month . This includes special travel benefits, club memberships, security personnel and shiny new cars for Cabinet Ministers, all of which are tax-exempt. New PM Odinga, alone, has a security  staff of 45 with a fleet of cars to travel in. All this in a developing nation where the average annual per capita income of about $400. Guess we can see whose economic gains have been achieved, so far, by the “Grand Coalition” government, as it is called.
Apparently, that strategy is working so far for the few, if not the many. Credit goes to the ODM    Action Plan that made this ‘reform’ possible. See it here (after
the accounts pages, entitled: “Executive Brief on the Positioning and Marketing of the Orange Democratic Movement and the People’s President.” Under the header ‘The class issue” its’ directive to trigger a class war correlates to a widening aggression by Muslims. Its’ strategy of portraying existing democracies as …insensitive, uncaring… calls for incitement of unrest” , particularly to resonate with . . youth who feel economically marginalized. ” On this front the ODM party plan it to “seek to elevate the emotions within all youth constituents…who may be willing to vote for us in protest and encourages the emphasis of visible signs of class disparity will provide important fodder for this theme.”
This same Action Plan calls for Odinga to remain allied with the US …(so that)…the ODM can expect both financial and political support particularly from the US .” (We’ll review the current success of this strategy in Part 3). Under its next heading, called Pull All Plugs “…subterranean campaigns will form a critical component of our activities. Corruption in the government will provide ready material for this war.” Note that the campaign, itself is referred to as a war, then recall how this March Daily Kos (Obama’s unoffical internet promoter, described the US Democratic political party as being in a state of “civil war. Those aware of blocked internet and media attempts to question Obama’s candidacy will readily identify the ongoing correspondence of ODM tactics – as applied to the US Presidential race.
Regarding the Media, the ODM plan refers to an “Orange team” which maintained “ intimate contacts across all the media ” as far back as 2005 – and actually mentions “ a number of senior media managers active in the campaign. ” Emphatically, the Plan establishes a directive for the strongest Media Centre possible, “understanding that victory in the media war could very well mean victory at the polls. Next, there is a reference to “Fixers ” as key point as men without whom “the whole thing could tumble whose tasks include insulate the candidate from attacks by not all advertising and campaign efforts . . . and applying all possible efforts to “ retain discipline among the party leadership, including reminding them of their vulnerability .” This document may come from Kenya, but doesn’t it all sound much too familiar since Obama began his race to lead our nation?
Also of interest may be the chums of Odinga listed under “Funding” who include such high minded governing allies as “ Nigeria . . Libya. .. . and the Republic of the Congo” and, of added interest, this list of “funders” closes with “US Republicans .” We’ll leave it to others to ponder how Republicans have managed to be included in such good company, while recalling that the unnamed Friends of Sen. B.O whom ODM documents say Odinga $1 million dollars are yet to be identified. It’s amusing that the only media denial of an Obama financial contribution to Odinga states “the Obama Presidential campaign” gave no funding to Odinga. Morale? Hair splitting pays.
ODM Action Plan “Schedule of Activities” includes “galvanize the rest of the country against a common enemy” by Mass Media, Rallies, Leaflets and viral email. If it’s a sign of things for US to look forward to, the Plan calls for heightened activity in the 3 weeks before the election. Other “Activities ” scheduled are to “ accentuate anti-opposition sentiments, cause un-ease in the (Party) ranks, attract )another opponents) votes by eliminating belief tha t” opposition will continue, “ communicate the intention to retain power within a select group of prominent political families. ” All these being activated by: “speculative news articles, public pronouncements at rallies, blogs and web forums, leaflets in targeted areas.” Continuing the theme of accusing others of “Corruption – as Obama did on Odinga’s behalf during his Senate trip – depicting the opponent as irredeemably corrupt as “ a diversionary salvos . . . worth pursuing throughout the electioneering period (via) press conferences, TV, radio, talk shows, rallies, viral email, Blogs and Youtube …” Then, there is note of a potential “ killer ” blow by more “ release of (opponent’s) incriminating record ” in government – to be done 10 days before the election . What is most interesting about this grand finale is the comment “Our media partners are waiting to serialize the contents.
The employment of ODM strategies continues with The age issue citing “our core supporters are essentially young people who are angry about the domination of politics by frail septuagenarians. Billboards and leaflets ridiculing the old people” in the opposition with the “contrast to (images)
of (our candidate) with young people – the promise of a buoyant future .” Saving the worst for last, the ODM’s final category of action is simply headed Rigging .” Maybe we could call how to win even if you lose? It begins by “preparing the ground for rejection of unfavorable results and “deflect attention from ourselves should opportunities by available to manipulate voter turn out in (key) areas and closes with “Ethnic Tensions/Violence as a last resort to “discourage voter participation in hostile areas including “use of ODM agents on the ground to engineer ethnic tensions in target areas.” Anyone can find many youtube newsclips depicting the bloody systematic violence by ODM youth, after Odinga’s loss of the Presidency.
It’s disheartening for this life long Democrat to listen to young voters’ nonchalance toward Obama’s divisive, ruthless and dishonorable campaign tactics, summed in the cynical remark, “That’s just politics.” Have to say they are both right and wrong; Obama’s strategies bear little resemblance to the democratic system that has brought this country to greatness. But they sure do appear to come straight out of Odinga’s ODM handbook . Note, also, the political cartoon above, direct from the Kenya Nation paper. Seems far away Africans have a clearer concept of Obama’s message than many US voters do. Bearing in mind the other secret pact which Odinga signed onto with the Muslim nations, one needs to ask, when it comes to Obama, what’s next?
Comparing the two Presidential campaigns, warning signs might be drawn from recent remedial government policies in Kenya, required since the ODM’s bloody parley into partial rule. One which may sound familiar to anti-Obama bloggers requests media houses not to air live press conferences and call-ins into radio shows to empower editors to be in control of the information relayed, stating: “ In the prevailing environment, some people are using the media to call for violence and to incite members of the public to engage in violence.Another is the landmark launching of a new Witness Protection program , deemed necessary due to t he “ post election violence, grave human rights violations (and) wanton destruction of property by new criminal groups, organized along ethnic lines, to intimidate, threaten and kill witnesses who cooperate with law enforcement agencies. ” Bearing in mind the well-organized support for Obama among the Nation of Islam, Black Panthers and the Recreate ‘68 movement, where techniques are drawn from William Ayres and SDS handbook, one can wonder what role similar threats have played in the aquiescence of the Democratic Party to Obama’s presmptuous claim to the nomination? His reservation of a stadium to seat 75,000 of his imported fans might also be interpreted as a veiled threat. Oddly, the Democratic leaders, Senators Pelosi and Reid, who contributed to his precipitous pre-convention “coronation” were not even consulted nor informed of this surprising change of venue until after it was already arranged.
Connecting the dots “Obama the ODM Candidate for President, Part 3, will quote directly from Odinga’s Memorandum with the National Muslim Leaders Forum. This group, along with “Friends of Senator B.O. invested $1 million dollars in Odinga’s thus far partially successful coup of Kenya. Like ‘”a rose is a rose” a coup which calls itself a “Democratic Movement” but actually uses intimidating, deceptive and violent war strategies is still a coup.
More Americans need this vital information, which is ignored or intentionally screened out of MainStreamMedia reporting of the Obama campaign. Pass this article on to a friend.
3 Responses to “OBAMA: The ODM Candidate for PRESIDENT – Part 2”
  1. chascates says:

    If Hillary had run in 2004 but Kerry still had gotten the nomination would you have voted for Bush? Will you subject this nation to another 4 years of Bush-style policies out of spite for Obama? And in hopes that the only true candidate can run in 2012 (assuming we still have a democracy then)? Why don’t you just write-in Dick Cheney instead? COMNTSMF (Cutting Off My Nose To Spite My Face) might be a better acronym for this movement but if McCain is elected because of your abandoning the Democratic party you will be forever known as PUMAs (Pushed Up My Ass!). Bill certainly believes in a cult of personality but I doubt Hillary really does.

  2. Midlife Mama says:

    Give it up, chascates, you can’t bully me into voting for your fraudulent, loser candidate. The Democratic party is dead to me.

    PUMA for McCain ’08!!!

  3. Jim Goodrich says:

    oboma is an animal.

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