Always Dig A Little Deeper

The Media is all over the Sotomayor announcement today, and though I put up something earlier, one always has to look a little deeper when it comes to Bambi’s appointees.  Sotomayor is being touted as an appointee with the most time on the bench of anyone appointed in the last 70 years, and a breadth … Continue reading

"The Court Of Appeals Is Where Policy Is Made"

I am not surprised by the new SCOTUS pick by the selected resident.  An actual scotus pick that would not be interpreting the law to set policy would be a surprise after all the justices that have been chosen and put on the bench in recent decades.  This one also has Biden-Gaffe-O-Meter written all over … Continue reading

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

David Gergen believes that the new world order is an future adventure whose time has come.  Once again, all of the following ideas are great, but mandated by Socialist/Marxist/Fascist/Communist people with the anti-American political agenda, they become very dangerous.  Since when did being an American require Service and Sacrifice by mandate? True American Patriots do … Continue reading

What's Wrong With This Headline?

“GM borrows $4 billion more, prepares for bankruptcy” I KNOW I am not the only one that sees the absolute insanity of that headline.  If any of us, or any small business owner was in the position of Chrysler or GM trying to get funding, our banks and creditors would be laughing so hard, they … Continue reading

I Have A Better Idea: Get Rid Of The IRS, The Fed, and Vampyre Obama To Save The Dollar

Here are a few  stories that got lost in the tidal wave of crap coming out of Washington, D.C. recently, and something new today concerning the death of the dollar. While everybody on the MSM is talking about the $17 Billion (that’s 1/5th of 1%) that bambi’s minions were able to shave from the $3.7 … Continue reading

Any Doubt The U.S. Is Becoming A Fascist State?

This century’s AYFKM? Award already went to Bush II and the Congress for putting the Patriot Act into place, and to all the other presidents and congresses who continue to allow this unconstitutional piece of garbage to supersede our Constitution, trample our rights, and imprison the innocent while Bambi wants Gitmo terrorists to walk our … Continue reading

Barack Obama's Occidental College Records Release: Truth Or Fiction?

Update: 7.28.09:  Two more posts that you may be more interested in cover all the records that are sealed, Lou Dobbs is Catching Up On Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate And the 5 different types of Birth Certificates available in Hawaii at the time of Bambi’s Birth: Obama’s Birth Certificate: Which One Is It? ******** I … Continue reading

How To Impeach A President

MANY inquiring minds want to know the answer to that question, and I know because of watching the search traffic to this site.  After reading the following, you will probably agree that Bambi’s impeachment is not going to happen as it has to start in the House with Nazi Nancy, and we all remember that … Continue reading

Today's AYFKM? AND Adolph Hitler Fascist Dictator Awards: Barack On His Way To The G20

Just a little visual reminder of the similarities between these two insecure male egos questing for love and recognition, yada, yada, yada…. and then we will get onto business because You Are Not Going to Freakin’ Believe IT!!!! This must be chappin’ Hitler’s butt.  Do you think the American public is footing the bill … Continue reading

Barack Obama IS NOT AMERICA!

I have been following odds, ends, bits and pieces; and though I had heard about the rude manner in which the Usurpers in Charge handled the British Prime Minister the other day, I  had not taken a moment to find out exactly what happened, other than to note that the WH was rather rude to … Continue reading

  • An Anthem For The Revolution

  • Thomas Jefferson

    "On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, 1823

  • The Looting Of America